Personal Finance Coach That Climbed Out Of $60,000 in Credit Card Debt and Personal Loans Within 7 Months…
Wants to show you:
How You Can Start Saving More, Budgeting Like A Pro and Managing Your Money Better While Maintaining a Good Quality of Life…
Even Though you Work a 9-5 Job, Or You Have Multiple Dependents, Or You Are Dealing With Rising inflation in the Country
Hey there,
Are you struggling with managing your finances?
Do you have issues saving money while taking care of your expenses?…
Does it feel impossible to stick to your monthly budget?
Are your credit scores so low, you’re ashamed of them?
Or do you keep wondering where your money disappears each month?
If your answer to any of those questions is yes,
Then today is your lucky day!
Because if you read this to the end…
You’ll understand how to get rid of these money problems…
And more importantly…
You’ll be able to gain access to the exact secrets and strategies that helped me climb out of serious debt and made me the great money manager I am today.
Before I dive deeper, let me introduce myself.
My Name is Paul Alabi and I’m a personal finance coach based in North Carolina, USA…
And I know firsthand, the pains, struggles and challenges most people face around Money…
I Have Shared My Money Management Strategies On This Page With Many Others, And This is What Some of Them Have to Say
“What struck me the most about this book is that Paul's Money Management Strategies are Simple yet Effective. Within few Months of Learning from him, I was able to budget better, I started saving more and my credit score improved” This book is worth a thousand times more than the price I paid for it - Matt
“After reading this guide, I now know exactly what I need to do to become a great money manager. My mindset, my ability and knowledge have exponentially transformed. The insights were so rich, I had to share Paul's Strategies with my Family and Friends and the testimonies I got were awesome. Paul really knows So Much About Money Management up. I recommend learning from him” - Lucia
I used to think I was a great money manager until I came across this book. I learnt a lot more about budgeting in this book than I have in my whole life. My budgeting capabilities, money management abilities and how I approach my spending has experienced tremendous improvement - T.A
Hey, let’s face it…
Things are Looking Real Bad
More than 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck as of September 2023, according to a LendingClub report (Even Americans making more than $100,000)
More than 50% of Americans are struggling to pay bills and save money despite not living in extreme poverty, according to a report published by the Urban Institute.
Another Stat shows that Half of Americans say their personal finances have gotten worse since 2020.
And these are just a few of the gloomy stats concerning money in the USA.
Things are not looking good…
And if you don’t start paying attention to how you Manage your Money…
You too might be affected very soon if you haven’t already…
And I know this because:
I was once a victim of poor money management.
I didn’t know how to save and budget effectively…
I was overspending consistently
And I was basically living paycheck to paycheck like the statistic says 78% of Americans do.
I made a lot of bad choices around money…
And I racked up debt really fast.
My credit score tanked
My credit limit was reduced to my terrible spending habits
To make things worse, I faced a sudden job loss and hit rock bottom.
Boom! I owed over $60k in credit card debt and other personal loans…
Coming back seemed impossible.
I was about to throw in the towel and accept my fate…
But after applying some of the strategies you’ll soon have access to on this page…
Within 7 Months,
- I had paid off my debt and started thriving financially.
- My credit limits were automatically increased
- My credit score reached a peak of 812
- I went from always struggling to save and being in the red each month to saving between $3,000- $5,000 per month while having a great quality of life
As I said earlier…
I know firsthand the struggles and patterns that keep people trapped making bad money choices…
I know the traps and mistakes people fall into when it comes to spending
And I’m very excited for you…
Because at the end of this page…
You would have the decision to change the trajectory of your life…
And transform your money game.
Using credit cards and carrying balances was the norm for me.
But with my experience racking up debt, losing my job and going broke…
Coupled with the knowledge I gained on my journey to becoming a personal finance master.
And my track record of helping people go from being bad in their money management to becoming great money managers.
I have simplified the process of becoming a great money manager down to 3 areas.
My secret to climbing out of over $60k debt in 7 months…
And going beyond that to thriving financially lies in 3 areas of my money life.
These areas are:
- Area #1: Mindset Orientation
- Area #2: Resource Allocation
- Area #3: Comprehensive Budgeting
Understanding each of these 3 areas and mastering them was what helped me…
And also what has helped all of my students create their desired financial change…
And I’m glad to tell you:
You can experience the same transformational results and start seeing positive results when you implement the strategy my solution provides.
And the best part is, these strategies will work for you even if:
- You work a 9-5 job
- You have a family and Kids
- You’re a Student
- You work gig jobs
- You are a freelancer
- You are a 1 income household
Whether you just want to:
- Get out of debt faster than you imagine
- Start saving more than you anticipate
- Stop living in stress and anxiety about your finances and start being confident
- Secure your future for retirement
- Avoid overborrowing and overspending
- Be able to budget effectively and curb overspending
- Change your mindset and beliefs around money management
Whatever your financial goal is:
I’ve got you covered.
The Great Money Manager Blueprint
This Blueprint contains:
- My extensive experience
- Real world applications and case studies
- Proven strategies
- Timeless principles
- Assignments and checklists
That will help you manage your money more effectively…
Shift your mindset in a phenomenal manner
Empower you with the techniques that multi-millionaires and personal finance masters use to achieve money management success
And achieve your money goals faster, without the mistakes and errors most people make.
Don’t just take my word for it…
See Exactly What You’d be Getting Once You Get This Blueprint Today:
A Powerful yet Comprehensive Intro to Money Management Showing You The Secret Chops on How to Become a Great Money Manager.
Since I made this for you, no matter your past knowledge or understanding of money management…
I’ll start at the foundation.
Where you will understand and assess your current status and determine how best to proceed forward.
In this section of the blueprint…
You’ll learn:
- The differences between Bad, Good and Great Money Managers
- The Building Blocks and Steps to become a Great Money Manager
- Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Money Management (“I wish I learned these earlier”)
The goal is to take you from beginner to pro at Money Management,
So everything will be broken down comprehensively
Expert Techniques for Income and Expense Allocation
In this section…
You’ll discover:
- My Proven approach to plan your income to consistently avoid financial “shocks”
- How to Strategically reduce your expenses without being extreme while maintaining a good quality of life
- How to avoid over-borrowing
Here, we start diving into the sauce contained in the blueprint.
How To Budget Effectively
This section is dedicated to Budgeting because of how important it is to become a Great Money Manager.
In this section, you’ll learn:
- The ONLY foolproof method on how to budget without feeling overwhelmed
- The advanced budgeting principles to transform your spending habits.
- How to Bounce Back when you go over your budget
- How to ensure you always have a surplus at the end of each month and the year
Your Application Workbook
Results come after implementation, that’s why there are dedicated sections to guide you on implementation.
In this section you will get:
- Engaging assignments that reinforce the strategies you’ve learned in the previous pages
- Real-life examples and how to tailor them to your unique financial situation
- A Lesson on 7 essential habits for sustaining your great money management skills
And guess what…
I’m not stopping there…
I’ve Also Prepared Awesome BONUSES That Help You Get The Most Of The Blueprint.
You’ll also be getting awesome bonuses like:
The Budgeting Template ($49.99 Value)
Budgeting can seem like a hassle…
So I crafted this to help you:
- Track your income and expenses with ease
- Plan your budget effectively
- Achieve your savings goal faster than you imagined
This is the exact template I use and it complements the strategies in the blueprint in a powerful way…
Ensuring that you have everything you need to become a great money manager and transform your finances.
15 Mins One-on-One Expert Financial Audit – Limited to first 100 Buyers ($110 Value)
Everyone’s financial situation is not the same…
And I understand that our financial goals differ…
That’s why I will be offering a 15 mins One-on-One Expert Financial audit to the first 100 Buyers of The Blueprint
During this special One-on-One session, I will be taking a look into your finances…
And creating a tailor-suited strategy that will help you get the most out of the Blueprint.
Lifetime Support Group ($9.99 Value)
One thing I’m obsessed about is the success of my students…
So when you get the Blueprint…
You don’t just get access to my financial wisdom distilled…
But you also get access to a special facebook group I have created to answer any questions you have while implementing the strategies in the Blueprint.
So this would ensure that you don’t feel alone during implementation.
Monthly Webinar Trainings ($49.99 Value)
Every Month, I’ll go live and deep dive into specific topics to show the principles in the blueprint in action
You don’t want to miss this one!
And honestly, a lot more…
“How Do You Get Access To This Blueprint?”
Before I tell you how you’d get this blueprint today…
Let me make one thing clear…
Becoming a great Money Manager might seem like a hassle so it might be tempting to ignore it…
Most people ignore becoming great money managers because they think they just need to make more money.
But nothing is farther from the truth than that.
I thought I needed to make more money despite making 6 figures…
But no amount of money could make up for my lack of money management knowledge.
Instead it made it worse. I indulged in excess lifestyle inflation and had an increased desire to spend more since I made more.
At the end of each month, I just kept wondering where my money went…
And returning back to ground zero.
If you’ve ever had this happen to you before, then you understand the feeling.
You Didn’t Just Land On This Page BY MISTAKE…
You were led here by fate…
Maybe you were just curious…
Or because you felt something within you tell you that this would be the gateway to the immense change you desire…
Something in you that won’t settle for less.
That wants you to have a better life…
That wants to stop living in fear and anxiety about financial challenges
That knows you can do better but just need the right knowledge and help
And if you’re the kind of person who is ready to take responsibility for your life…
Who’s ready to dig in and get results…
Who doesn’t care what people think about them…
Who wants to start being confident in their finances…
Who wants to stop overworking and picking unneeded shifts…
Who wants to stop being a burden to family and instead be a blessing…
I want to assure you that you’re on the right page…
The stuff in this Blueprint changed my whole life forever…
And I am confident it can and will change yours too…
And even more than mine because I’m here to guide you…
And because you can avoid the mistakes I made
And if you take advantage of all the resources and Information I’m offering to you today…
You’ll look back one day and be glad you landed on this page and made the decision to get this Blueprint…
Having said that…
What Is The Blueprint Worth To You?
The SECRETS in this Blueprint Once Helped Me Negotiate A Deal And Saved Me Over $40,000 On A Transaction
If I’m to be fair…
And value all the resources I’m putting at your disposal once you get this Blueprint…
A fair price would be nothing less than a Thousand bucks
And even then,
It would still be a steal for you.
Because this information is a collection of my strategies…
My Failures…
My experiences…
My Tactics…
That I spent over years refining.
And these exact strategies are what I share in my coaching program that costs $4,000.
So yes, $1,000 would be an amazing deal…
But when I was creating this blueprint…
I want to make this as available to you at the best price possible…
Without sacrificing the quality.
And I decided to price it at just $49.99.
Would $49.99 be worth investing to:
- Get out of debt faster than you imagined
- Start saving more than you anticipated
- Get your dream credit score
- Create a win-win situation for both you and lenders
- Transform your money management capabilities beyond your imaginations
- Being prepared for financial emergencies instead of being afraid of them happening
If your answer is yes…
Then you’re on the right page.
And To Show You That I’m Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is…
I’m offering…
My No-Questions Asked 7 Day FULL Money Back Guarantee
This means…
If you go through this blueprint within 7 Days of Purchase and feel the Information in it is not worth your investment of $49.99…
You can simply reach out to me at @ and get a FULL refund.
I won’t ask any questions…
I’ll just ask for your preferred mode of payment, and send you a full refund.
And you keep the bonuses included in your initial purchase
So you’ve got nothing to lose…
Because I’m taking all the risk here.
That’s how confident i am in the secrets and strategies in the book
And how much I care about making an impact
So There Are TWO THINGS,You Can Do At This Point
Now I’ve presented you the opportunity…
And YOU Have Two Choices:
First Option – Do Nothing, And not take this leap of faith (which is 100% risk-free)…
Second Option – Pony up this little investment (compared to all the value you’ll get in return and just give it a shot!)…and experience transformational results in your finances from Day 1
My belief is:
If I can’t be of value to you, then I don’t deserve your money…